May Style Club Challenge

Can you guess my favorite

Last month the style club challenges were focused on “hiding your belly”. I did not participate in all of the challenges, because there was just so much going on. I am hoping to be much more active for May. This months theme is: Accessories Essentials.  So we will be focusing on accessories and week one was necklaces and choosing the perfect necklace for your outfit. The challenge for this week was to wear an outfit and elevate the look with a necklace.

Have you signed up for the 40+style club yet? If not you can do so here and get on the waiting list.

For the week one exercise, I actually managed to wrap three separate challenges into one; necklace, hat, and bag, without even realizing it until I had already taken photographs, you may see a lot of the same photos this go round, lol! I will try to focus on just the necklaces today though. Here I used a statement necklace, along with other accessories to step up a simple sleeveless top and jeans. The black jeans you’ve seen before, they are just good ole’ Levis, the top is a couple of years old and I’m not really sure where I got it, but it wasn’t anywhere special. It may have been Sam’s Club, but I’m not 100% sure, and the bag came from HSN. It is part of the Joy/Iman collection. I bought it for the color and it has great pockets, but I’m not sure about keeping it. The hat came from a local shop last year.

This look was part of yesterdays post and if you haven’t read it you can do so here. This necklace is bold enough that it works with the V neck of the blouse. It is often recommended to wear a V-shaped necklace to fill in the decolletage area on a V neck, but this was low enough and the design worked.

The accessories elevated this simple look, but did not over power it. What do you think?

In the outfit below I changed up the jewelry and shoes to change to over all feel of the outfit. The clothes are the same. With a scoop neck top a bib type necklace works well for filling in the void. The floating heart bib on the right with matching earrings does just that and by wearing the wedges with the crops it dresses the casualness of the outfit up.

I changed the necklace and shoes for the photo on the left, to give an overall more casual feel to the same clothes. By adding the longer necklace it adds vertical length and visual interest to the look and brings in the rule of thirds.

The top is the Fit and Flare by covered perfectly. If you haven’t checked them out yet you can click here  or on the banner below to see the entire line and order yours. This is their birthday week and there is a fabulous sale going on through Saturday May 13th.

 <a href="http://“>

As an added bonus: Grandma2Glamma blog readers get 20% OFF on up to two items! Use the discount code GG20 when you checkout at Covered Perfectly. There are several styles to choose from, and the discount code will apply on up to two items. Or you may take advantage of the “Buy 2 get your 3rd FREE” special. This special applies to any combination of items store wide, just add 3 items to your cart and the discount will be applied automatically. One one of the discounts will work. Start Shopping!

The jewelry is all from Plunder. The floating heart set is from the Valentines specials and is no longer available. The Ezra bangle and the long beautiful pearl strand is from the spring catalog. It is 62 inches of pearls on leather! You know I just had to have it. You can see the entire line by clicking here. It will take you to the party link for May. If you have any problems with that or any of the links;  please let me know.

What do you think of these looks? Which one of these looks do you like best? Can you guess which on is my favorite? I am certainly no fashion icon. I am just a simple girl trying to learn and find what works for me and share it with you. I hope you find some useful ideas and things you like.

The blog reached 50 subscribers yesterday!!! Woo Hoo!!!! The social media sites are growing faster, but the blog itself is starting to catch up!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for liking, commenting and sharing. That is what helps to get the word out! I appreciate all that you do to help with that! If you haven’t already signed up to follow the blog or to receive an email when there’s a new post, you can do so by clicking the FOLLOW button at the bottom of your screen. Easy Peasy, and you will only get an email when there is a new post. Remember you can also follow and share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and now on Bloglovin.

Until the next time


Baltimore FlowerMart

Baltimore is a city that is rich in history and culture

Saturday “The Man” and I headed out to the annual Baltimore FlowerMart (current spelling) in the Mt. Vernon area of the city. It is held around the Washington Monument.

It is quite an event and has been held here every year since 1911. It was the first Flower Mart (original spelling) in the nation. If you would like to learn more about FlowerMart and the history you can do so here. The FlowerMart is held the first weekend of May, rain or shine. It is held the weekend of the Kentucky Derby. It kicks off on Friday and goes through the weekend. I consider it Baltimore’s kickoff to the Preakness Stakes which is held here two weeks after the derby. I don’t know if that’s official, but I like the thought. If you are a horse racing fan, you know Preakness is the second leg in the run for the Triple Crown.

I have never been to the Preakness or any other horse race for that matter, but I do enjoy watching and participating in some of the festivities.

There is a grand hat parade at the kickoff on Friday, vendors of all types, flowers and plants (of course), and even a dog parade. Maybe one year I can participate in the hat parade! How fun would that be?

The photo was of above was a lovely display by the For-Win-Ash Garden Club, which is part of the Baltimore City Garden Clubs and a member of The Federated Garden Clubs Of Maryland; you can learn more about them here. As you would walk in the proprietress would say “come in and sip and sit”. Very charming.  I just loved the idea of the plants in teapots and cups. I did the plants a favor and left them there for someone who might be able to keep them alive after taking them home. It is a running joke around here if you want a plant to die, give it to me… I must say though, last year my son and his girlfriend gave me an orchid for Mother’s Day and the plant is still alive. It has been in my house for one year yesterday and isn’t dead yet. There was a bet going on as to how long it would live. It hasn’t bloomed again, but it is alive…..Maybe there is hope, but I wouldn’t put money on it, lol!

One of the vendors
A local artist/vendor selling planters and lawn art

Some of the beautiful artwork on display.

Birdbaths made from glass

Since I discovered hats last year I decided to wear one down, even though it wasn’t Friday. I knew there would still be some in attendance; because it’s tradition.

It became very windy at times so hanging onto my hat was a challenge.

I bought this hat towards the end of last summer. I knew it would look good with black and white. It adds just a bit of a pop of color. I don’t usually wear hats with a brim this wide, but I don’t think it is too much. It also has a built-in SPF so it will be good in the summer. I recently purchased the green purse. Since “greenery” is the color of spring and I don’t have much green. I decided to add it with accessories instead of buying new clothes. The boots and black jeans you’ve seen before. These boots have a nice block heel and were very comfortable walking on the brick lined streets. I have found good quality heels to be much more comfortable than most flats, since losing weight. The white top is a couple of years old. Of course I had to add some pearls. After all, “pearls are always appropriate”; to quote Jackie Kennedy.

The lemon and peppermint stick is a FlowerMart tradition and a must have.

I have told you before I am the person that should not wear white on any day that ends in “Y” and this day was no exception. By the time we were done I had dripped lemon juice with red peppermint stains down my shirt….SMH, lol. Fortunately, since we knew the temperature was supposed to start dropping and it was supposed to rain off and on I took a jacket. At least I didn’t look like a total slob the rest of the day.

More of the beautiful flowers for sale

We really enjoy going into the city and partaking in the various activities throughout the year. Baltimore is a city that is rich in history and culture. There is so much to see and do that you rarely need to leave. Some days I just enjoy walking around and looking at the old architecture. Do you enjoy these types of activities? If you are local have you been to FlowerMart?

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to follow the blog. I really, really appreciate it. If you haven’t signed up for the blog email you can do so by clicking follow at the bottom of your screen.  You can also follow the blog on FacebookTwitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and now on Bloglovin’. When you like, comment, or share my posts it helps to reach more people, and that is what helps the grow.

Until the next time



Pulling Your Head Out Of Your Backside

What do you do to pull yourself out of a slump


How do you do it? My head, heart, and body are not in sync. Which has been in evidence this past month. Why? I don’t rightly know. I have been trying for the past couple of months to figure it out. The closest I’ve come to any idea is: that I have, finally,  allowed the life changing events that started last summer steer me off course.

I will go to the #saturday7amsocialclub tomorrow morning and I will have to weigh in to establish my free lifetime status for May. I will do that, but I will be up a few pounds from April’s weigh in. Why? I’m not completely sure. I haven’t tracked well this month, but I know I haven’t gone off the deep end with junk either. I don’t know why I haven’t tracked well. Is it just one more thing to do? Could I be starting to gain muscle mass from the heavy lifting? Jeff, said that I would eventually. Maybe, but I don’t think that is it. At least not completely.

I just have to BELIEVE that it will all balance out.

My New Training Journal

I also feel like I’ve lost my source(s) of support. I started this journey over three years ago. At that time I was not in it alone. I had a WW buddy, a workout buddy, and running buddies. That changed last summer. I was determined not to let those changes affect me. But I am fearing they are. Slowly I have let them. I have thrown myself a “Pity Party”.

This says it all

Now it is up to me to say “enough is enough” and figure out how to snap out of it. This has always been a marathon, not a sprint. So at this point I have decided to think of it in race terms. I have “hit the wall” around mile 20. Now I have to dig deep and power through to get to the finish line. The only difference is; there is no finish line.

I have done this before, on my own. So why should this be any different?

Technically I still have a meeting room full of WW buddies and I treasure them; I know that I can message any of them at anytime, but it’s not the same. I guess you could call my trainer, Jeff, a workout buddy; but I pay him (to torture me) so I’m not sure that counts, lol! Truth be told if it weren’t for my meetings and workouts with Jeff, I would have likely given up long ago.

Last night I went to my Thursday night yoga class. It has been quite a while since I was last at that class. Ironically, Dave, the instructor said something about how it was much easier and better to practice in a group vs alone at home. This is so true. I try to practice yoga at home, but don’t get very far. The energy is so different in the studio. That’s how I have been feeling in general, I guess, over this portion of my journey. It was much easier, better, and enjoyable with the buddy system.

I must pull my head out of my rumpus if I plan to run a marathon, that’s for sure. And I am determined to do that.

I have started by getting a new training journal and looking at a training plan. I told you I have increased my sessions with Jeff (they say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger). We will see about that!

I have been trying to be a long distance buddy for a friend who’s on her own journey. I’m not sure I have been a very good buddy for her. I hope I can do better.

What do you do to pull yourself out of slump? Do you like “going it alone” or having a partner? Have you been in this same boat? If so, how have you handled it? Let me know your thoughts. If you have any suggestions; throw them at me!

I appreciate your thoughts, likes, and comments. Thank you for helping got get the word out about the blog. If you haven’t already followed the blog or signed up for the blog email, yet, please do. You can just click “follow” at the bottom or your screen and sign up! Easy Peasy and you will get an email when there is a new post. Facebook,Twitter ,Instagram, and Pinterest are growing like wild-fire! The blog is gaining subscribers, but not as fast. I would love to see more of you sign up here too! You can also Follow me on bloglovin’

Until the next time


Going Grey Gracefully-To Color or Not To Color

I think my stylist thinks I’m cuckoo

Do you color your hair? Have you accepted going grey gracefully, or are you fighting it til the end? There is no right or wrong answer for it is most certainly a personal and individual choice. But what are your thoughts on coloring your hair?

I found my first grey hair in Feb 1995, oh yes, I remember it vividly. I was 31 years old, and there it was; right up front! I was mortified. I was too young, lol. I called my aunt to tell her…I did not run straight out to buy hair color though. I analyzed it. Yes, that’s right, I studied that bugger for days. I decided it was that pretty white/silvery color and wouldn’t be so bad if they were all that way. Of course there is no way to know with just one grey hair what the rest will be like, and 22 years later I still don’t know!

I decided I didn’t want to color my hair and although I have gone through phases of coloring since. I have not colored my hair to hide the grey. I developed some notion that coloring it would cause it to be an ugly shade of grey and shied away from it. If I must have grey hair, I want pretty grey. I think my stylist thinks I’m cuckoo. After several years, though, I started coloring it on occasion to have a different color. I only colored now and again just for a change. I found I really have no patience for touching up roots every few weeks. I’m a let it grow out and then color the entire head kind of person. I guess that’s ok, but it can look pretty bad; depending on what color you went with. Heck, I don’t even like going for a trim with any regularity. Well, that’s not entirely true. I don’t think far enough in advance to make an appointment with any regularity. I think about needing to go, but take forever to call and get in…..

Both of my grandmothers had beautiful white hair and that’s what I am hoping for. That’s not too much to ask for, is it?

I also found that no matter what color I used (shade or brand) I always ended up with red hair or a red tint for a couple of weeks after. I used one particular brand once, and went with an auburn shade (I figured if it was going to look red why not). It turned out almost neon red! My neighbors across the street didn’t think it was me! They thought “The Man” had moved someone new in!!! You can be sure I never used that brand again!

This picture is one of the last times I colored my hair; a couple of weeks before my sons wedding almost two years ago. As you can see it still looks fairly red on the day of the wedding.

This was not quite a year ago as the color from my last coloring was growing out. If I could have this shade from day one until time to color again; I might color it again. I don’t think there are any guarantees!

And this is now. My own au natural hair. I realized when I looked at this picture I have my own unique color, It is called “tree bark”! Go on in and ask your stylist for this color…

As you can see there is quite a bit of “snow on the mountian top”. Now if only it would just “do its thing” and turn; I would be happy. Or would I? I considered coloring it all grey once (that seems to be quite the rage). I figured that would be a way of knowing what it would look like and if I would like it. I went so far as to talk to my stylist about it. When she told me I would have to bleach all my color out and then color it. I gave that notion up real fast!!! Mother Nature can just take over.

I have a true love/hate relationship with my hair. I go in for a trim and like it for about ten minutes after leave, then it drives me bonkers for a few weeks before I like it again, then it’s time to repeat…..Someone once said I should find a new stylist. I have tried that. I haven’t found one that I like any better than the one I have used for years. If you are local and have any recommendations; I am open. Let me know who you use. Tell me your thoughts. Do you color? Have you recently stopped coloring? Are you going to go down in a blaze of coloring glory? I would love to hear from you and what you think.

Last week was a slow writing week, here on the blog. To say I was preoccupied with all the goings on with Miss Caterina is an understatement. The week certainly did not go the way I had envisioned it. For those who don’t already know you can read about it on last Mondays blog post; if you do know what was going on, Miss Caterina came home Wednesday and seems to be doing very well! Thank you, everyone, for the prayers and good thoughts.

Have you signed up for the blog email yet? If not, what are you waiting for? I just know you want to be the first to know when the newest edition hits the press, lol! I really appreciate everyone who takes the time to like, share and comment, here and on my social media pages. When you take your time to do that it helps get the blog out to more people. You just never know if something that day is just what someone might need to read.

Facebook is always changing their algorithms and apparently the latest news is they show the pages with the most interaction; those with comments of more than three words and those with love, wow, haha symbols clicked more than just like button. These are getting more showings than others… please when you have a few moments in your day head over and show the page some more love. I will greatly appreciate it. The Facebook page Grandma2GlammaToo has reached over 500 followers this past weekend; you can access it at: Remember you can also find me on Twitter at:, Instagram at:, and Pinterest at:

Until the next time



Muddling Along

Not great but a start in the right direction

It has been a long and challenging week or at least the end to last week was! Remember I told you last week about the hit run involving “The Mans” car? Well somewhere along the way I gave into temptations and had a few days of a “free for all”.

I got up Saturday morning and headed off to the meeting of the #Saturday7amsocialclub up a full 6 pounds from my first of the month weigh in and 5 full pounds from where I was on Wednesday morning!!! After that, off I went to meet with Jeff, my trainer. He was very supportive, and tried to make me feel better by telling me I was just carb-loading for our workout, lol! Now had that really been the case; yes, I would have gained that amount of weight and been “almost” ok with it. But, even I knew better. Of course there were plenty of carbs involved, along with fat and salt and other bits of junk!!!!

He worked my rear off….but then that is nothing new. I did leave ready to get it together. I had decided on Friday that enough was enough and started getting back to my regular way of eating, but lets face it; one day does not undo the damage. We skipped our Saturday date night. I know I had to leave it be. I was also planning on getting “The Man” to take me to breakfast on Sunday (yes there was a method to my madness, Lol). Two meals out was not feasible, under the circumstances. Considering part of the problem was eating take out several days last week, even one meal was pushing it.

I got up Sunday morning and weighed. I usually don’t do that on Sunday; I give the scale a day of rest. I had lost 1 of those interloping pounds. It almost made me rethink going out for breakfast; after all it was a holiday too and I knew what was on the menu for that.

We went anyway and went back to the “Iron Rooster” restaurant I told you about a couple of weeks ago. It was such a beautiful spring morning that they had the glass doors open and outside seating available. We weren’t quite sure about sitting outside so early in the morning yet, so we sat next to the open doors. It was a great mix of fresh air and sunshine.

We got one of those yummy homemade pop tarts to share again and I ordered the sausage gravy biscuit this time. There was only one biscuit, but it was HUGE!!!! I only  ate half of it and brought the rest home. I thought I would eat it later, but did not.

Doesn’t this look just too yummy? And trust me; it is!

On the way home I received a text from Jeff. He was sending some extra workout sets for this week!!! Can you believe that? Didn’t he have anything better to do on Easter Sunday morning? What was he doing spying on me? Maybe I shouldn’t have posted those pictures to instagram, in hopes of winning a gift card for another trip, lol!

Now if you notice, this says Monday. Does that mean I only need to do it one day, haha?  I haven’t heard otherwise, or received another text; as of yet, so? I should probably be careful what I say….I did do it Monday and Tuesday, so far, along with my other workouts; some I haven’t done in a while. He should be proud! Right? Of course, right!

Mondays weigh in was the same as Sundays, so I didn’t do too bad. As of this morning, I am happy to say I have rid myself of a bit more than two of those offending pounds. Not great, but a good start in the right direction. Now to keep the momentum going. Do you think Jeff’s extra curricula activities have contributed?

I have got back on the right food track, at least so far. How did I do it? Well, for starters I refused to go to the grocery store this week. We have enough food in this house to last through a “zombie apocalypse” so you can bet no on is going to go without. I knew a trip to the store would result in more junk food than real food (“The Man” is a junk food junkie, of the worst kind) being bought. By not bringing it in, it can’t be eaten. And lets face it; he doesn’t need it either. I think he insists on going to the store with me because he knows that’s the only way he will junk, lol!

How did you fare over the holiday? Are you fighting to get back on track, or did you have a plan and stick to it? Let me know! We are in the together!

I’m not sure if I’m going to participate in the style challenges for this week. I think it might be too much. We are gearing up for the arrival of the new grand little on Friday. This weekends challenge is: Date Night. If I manage of this weeks, it might be that; providing we go out and the weather is cooperative. That will be the challenge, this week.

I do have some new looks and ideas I want to share with you. I have been approached by Covered Perfectly (I’ve told you about them, previously, and showed some of my own items) to collaborate with them, and have accepted. I am so excited for this opportunity. Stay tuned for more to come.

The blog is now also being featured in the under lifestyle bloggers. You can go over there and check it out along with a great group of other bloggers.

I think I told you about joining The Fierce 50 Revolution, and hope to become one of the bloggers on the The Fierce 50 Campaign soon. If you would like to know about The Fierce 50 or join the revolution; you can request to join the Facebook page “The Fierce 50 Revolution”! What a great group of women! Many are blogger, but many are not. It’s a great group women lifting each other up!

Have you signed up for the email list yet? I will not sell or give your email away, it’s just so you will be the first to know when a new blog has been posted. I am trying to grow the subscriber list here on the blog along with Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram. You have helped so much with that; by liking, commenting, and sharing my posts. Facebook is closing in on 500 likes! Wow! That’s small compared to some, but it’s growing each day. I appreciate all your support and help.

You know I love hearing from you, so let me know what you think about all these latest “developments”.

Until the next time


Hide your Belly Challenge-Lunch with Friends

A perfect look for a casual lunch date

I hope y’all had a wonderful Easter. Did you get into a food coma? If so, I hope you have recovered by now.

Last week the challenge in the style workshop was to dress for going out to lunch with friends. This was a hard one; not hard to find something to wear, but hard because I have no friends to go out with, lol! Or should I say no friends that I socialize with beyond social media anymore…. and most of those are friends that I’ve for more years than either of us care to count, but we also now live hundreds of miles apart; so getting together for “lunch” is not an option.

Apparently when you “retire” early, and become a SAHGMa, you no longer have anything in common with others. Those whom you thought of as friends become acquaintances. I thought it was me, but I have encountered others in some blogging groups in the same boat. But back to the subject; how to dress for lunch out.

I like to be comfortable. I think of this outfit as casually chic, classic, and not too dressy. A perfect look for a casual lunch date with friends; don’t you think?

I think this look is a bit “vanilla”(?). So I added some color with turquoise accessories. I tried adding a pop of color with different shoes and bag, but although it looked ok, this was the better look.

I like color, so I’m not quite sure why I tend to purchase more neutral tones. I think I need to step out of that box more often. I do have a new royal blue top that I will be featuring soon (a little tease for you to look for).

The jeans are DG2jeggings in an indigo wash from HSN. The sleeveless sweater is by Elle and came from Kohls. I like it, but after seeing it in a picture I think it widens my   hips. What do think? The bag is from Michael Kors and the shoes are Life Stride and came from DSW. I don’t wear many flats/loafer type shoes. I have funny shaped feet and it’s hard to find them to fit and look right on my feet.

Here is a close up look at the accessories.

The jewelry is all from Plunder. The two necklaces are retired. The earrings were part of a Plunder Posse. The Posses are limited and only available during the month they are featured. The bracelet is called Selma and is still available. If you would like to order yours; I have a party link open for April

Remember if you order during the April party and know someone whose name begins with the letter “I”,  I will send you a necklace or bracelet with that letter. I received both in my mystery boxes, and would like to pay them forward. Also if you decide to join me on this Plunder journey in April, I will gift you an extra piece of jewelry in addition to your starter kit. Email me at if you would like more information.

Have you signed up for the blog email, if not, what are you waiting for? Don’t you just want to know the minute a new post is up, lol? You can also follow me on Facebook at Grandma2GlammaToo, Pinterest and Instagram at Grandma2Glamma and Twitter at @GGlamma. I appreciate you taking your time to comment on, follow and share my posts. The Facebook page has now reached over 400 followers and is closing in on 500! That’s because you have taken your time to like and share the posts with your friends.

Let me know what you think of todays look. Is it a hit or miss? What, if anything, would you change?

Until the next time
